Have you ever thought about how adventurous your life will be if you let your child go to the park or even just a walk in the alley?

Nowadays, when computers and TV rule our lives, it is almost impossible to imagine that anything can interest our children more than a new video game or an exciting cartoon. But recently, scientists have revealed that spending time outdoors has more benefits for children than we could ever imagine. For example, when children spend time outside, they receive all the necessary vitamins D, C, and A. All these vitamins make their bodies more robust and also improve their eyesight. In addition to this, kids who spend time outdoors are much less likely to get sick.

Moreover, research has shown that people who spend enough time in the sun can prevent many severe diseases like cancer or heart disease. And of course, it helps children develop physically faster and better. There is a lot to be said for bringing your baby outside. It’s great for your baby. It’s excellent for you. It will help you get used to each other and establish good feeding, sleeping, and playing together. Bringing your baby outside with you will make it easier for you to get out of the house and make it easier for other people to meet your baby.

In the late summer or early autumn, being outdoors is much more comfortable than being indoors in a city or town where there is no air conditioning or just not enough cooling effect from fans or open windows.

Research has shown that the kids who spend time outdoors are happier, healthier, and more creative than those who don’t. Not only that but also kids have a deeper appreciation of Nature and the environment. The reason these things happen, according to researcher Stephen Kellert, is because the great outdoors is where children learn by experiencing the world first hand. It’s a place where they can test their limits, push their boundaries and try new things without fear of being judged by others.

Exploring the Nature:

bringing your baby outside

In his book, The Outdoor Life, Ernest Thompson Seton writes about the naturalist’s creed:

“I believe in the forest, the meadow, and in the night in which the corn grows. I believe in the sun, the rain, the snow; I believe in summer and winter. I believe in life and love and death and that all men must die. I believe with joy men live again; I believe this earth shall live again. And I believe in Nature.”

Nature gives a child freedom in a risk-free environment, leading to independence and self-confidence. Nature provides endless inspiration for creativity and imagination and opportunities for discovery and learning through all five senses. If we want our kids to understand this kind of “nature” – not only to see it but truly feel it – they need to experience it first hand. They need to get outside.

Helps in brain development:

From the moment they’re born, babies are learning. They take in everything around them and are constantly exploring new things. That’s why it’s so important to get your child outside from a young age. When you take your baby out, you’re providing them with new sights, sounds, and smells that will help improve brain development. A recent study by the researchers at Michigan University found that children who spent more time outdoors had more neurons in their hippocampus — the brain area responsible for learning and memory — than those kept inside.

Not only can outside help with brain development, but it also allows your child to practice other necessary skills like crawling and walking. When you’re outside, there’s a lot more room for your child to move around and explore without bumping into things or hurting themselves. This can help them build strength and develop their coordination and balance when they start walking independently. The more often you take your baby outside, the sooner they reach these milestones.

Helps in physical development:

These days, the parents are concerned about the environment. They are looking for ways to reduce their child’s impact on the earth. One way is to go green with your baby toys. But even better than that, get your baby outside!

Think about it… Although babies do go through some stages of development, they do not come with instruction manuals. But if they did, I am sure one of the first pieces of advice would be to take your baby outside every day. Because outdoor play is essential for brain development and healthy growth, exposure to Nature should be considered a basic need, like shelter and food. The visual development, from tracking objects moving to notice small details to seeing distance and depth.Stimulation of the senses, from hearing leaves rustle to smelling flowers to feeling the wind on their face to tasting a freshly picked strawberry. They are learning about Nature, from watching ants carry food back to their nest to trying out new foods growing in your garden or at a local farmer’s market.

Babies need sunlight to produce Vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption for growing bones. It also improves lung function, muscle strength, and cardiovascular health. Research shows that the kids who play outdoors regularly develop more robust immune systems and require less sick time throughout their childhoods.

Development of social skills:

Getting out with your baby can do wonders for your mood, and it also has a host of benefits for your baby’s development.

Some of the essential things babies learn in their first year are social skills — they learn to interact with other people. Your baby will learn to smile at you and other caregivers, and many babies begin to “talk” by cooing and babbling.

When you bring your kid outside in public, those social skills get a boost. Take him along on errands like running to the grocery store or post office. Ride an elevator up and down. When you’re shopping for groceries, ask your baby for his opinion on bananas versus pears or whole milk versus skim. He’ll love hearing his name from you, and he’ll get used to having conversations with others (even if they’re one-sided).

Development of good sleep patterns:

Being outside is beneficial for your baby’s health. Exposure to natural light helps set the body’s internal clock to a 24-hour cycle, which aids in developing healthy sleeping patterns. Natural light also boosts vitamin D production, which is essential for bone growth and immune system development.
Feel free to do so if you think your child will be more comfortable in their crib or bassinet. But try to bring them outside as much as possible. The fresh air and sunshine will give them a boost of energy and promote a healthy sleep schedule.