Babies and toddlers gain awareness of the world around them by interacting with things in their environment, like playing with toys, learning about leaves and their patterns, and finding out that friends are coming to visit; they will learn to set the table. Children can study fundamental physics with blocks, but they don’t need to keep reciting “force = mass * acceleration.”

Raising smart and intelligent kids nowadays is very simple and more essential than parents think. It’s all about looking after your kids with affection and love and spending quality time with your kids. Do these things when you are in a parenting process to help your children become more innovative and intelligent.

Take care of yourself during pregnancy:

The development of a baby’s brain starts when he is still in his mother’s womb. A mother should take proper care of her diet and nutrition and avoid drugs, alcohol, or smoking. A good nutritious diet can help your baby in his healthy growth.

Address your child’s needs:

Abraham Maslow created a pyramid illustrating the hierarchy of needs. The bottom level comprised basic human necessities like food and water and self-actualization, or the need to fulfill one’s potential, at the top. Meeting the requirements at the bottom level is crucial to meeting those at higher levels. A cuddled and loved baby will grow into an adult more capable of giving back to society.

Indulge in a talk:

Communication helps your child to bond with you and develops confidence. Strengthen your child’s intelligence by involving him in verbal activities. Playing games, reading together, and listening to stories are great ways to help improve your child’s communication skills.

Ask your baby about how his day went and tell him how your day was or anything .use descriptive language so that your child can communicate using descriptive language. Higher intelligence has an association with good language and communication skills.

Research shows that the reasoning and understanding of a child increase when you frequently speak with them. Please make efforts to involve yourself often in positive conversations with your children to improve their development, behavior, and confidence level.

Provide nutritious food:

Nutritious foods enhance the cognitive development of your baby. For optimal brain development, your baby must get the proper amount of nutrients. You must keep a check whether your baby is getting enough nutrients. Ensure your children nutrient-rich food when your child is ready to eat solid food. Make green leafy food a part of your kid’s life and include eggs, fruits, and nuts because they contain minerals and vitamins required for your baby’s good health because a baby with a healthy body and mind is way smarter.

Encourage sleep:

For all age groups, sleep is vital, but as in infants, sleep is essential because their brains process information and continue to grow at an early age. Research has found that children who sleep less have poor performance on neurodevelopmental tests. There is a critical period in childhood where sleep is essential for mental development.

Provide appropriate toys:

Toys play a significant role in a child’s intellect because some will annoy your child, and at the same time, the other toy will stimulate your baby and serve as an excellent educational tool. So, before you give your child a toy, be it some puzzles or any other toy, check and analyze whether this toy is suitable for his abilities or not. Try to provide your kid with what affects his intellectual capacity. By providing your child with appropriate toys, you help them in mastering new skills and intellectual development.

Be affectionate:

Provide your child a safe environment at home because a secure baby is way more confident than the one who feels insecure. That is why a confident kid deals very efficiently with the challenges in his life. Play with your baby, tickle him. Allow skin-to-skin contact with your baby for firmer bonding.

Play with your baby:

Playing with your kids gives them opportunities to understand and explore. Spend time playing with your child. Playing with your baby makes them more competent and helps them develop social and communication skills. Play various games with your baby, and don’t be afraid to bring in something new. The more you play with your baby, the more likely she’ll become smarter and more confident!

Read Together:

To learn language books offer great opportunities. For children, the connection between books and their caregivers is essential. Good mental and intellectual development combine book reading with singing, laughter, songs, and cuddles. Book reading stimulates a child’s thinking abilities and imagination. For your child’s interest, choose colorful books with images like It’s a Great, Big Colorful World or Mixed: A Colorful Story.

Prefer exploration over memorization:

Most people think that the more a child memorizes, the more brilliant they become but do not focus on what your child can learn as a sign of smartness. In the early years of your child’s life, they need to develop new fine and gross skills. There is an excellent opportunity for the baby to learn and explore by developing these skills.

Encourage your baby to explore new spaces and things by exposing him to an unfamiliar environment. Try to be enthusiastic about the things you come across and narrate them to your baby so that things appear visually inspiring for your baby. Your baby will learn more when you provide him with more experiences because they learn way more quickly when they see people around them enthusiastic and narrative.

Limit Screen Time:

Researchers have linked negative impacts on brain development with screen time in children. Parents need to limit excellent quality programming screen time to 1 hour per day, maximum in children aged 2 to 5 years. Although there are educational shows for kids, their screen time must be limited. Physical activities can stimulate children better than programs and TV shows. Avoid giving your child mobiles or other electronic devices as they will introduce a sedentary lifestyle and reduce thinking abilities. By raising intelligent kids, you help your kids deal with challenges that they encounter.

Make them interact with their age fellows:

Public interactions provide experiences that stimulate your child’s intellect and prepare your baby to encounter challenges. Fix frequent playdates with other children of your baby’s age. Take your baby to a park or other public places where he can play or interact with other kids. Supervise your child’s interactions, gently guide your child, and make friends to support him. Valuable lessons are learned by kids when they are in social interaction. Social interaction makes your kid well prepared to handle situations that are unpleasant when he grows up effectively.

Encourage your child’s curiosity:

Children go through various stages of development tend to learn more when they are curious about something. Some kids are curious naturally, and this curiosity helps them learn new things and explore more. Provide your baby with several opportunities to explore new things by stimulating his interest. Make appreciation a must part of your life; appreciate your baby every time he does something new. Let your child imagine things beyond limitations and boundaries.

Every day your child is growing and learning new things. If you want to support your baby in his progress, keep your focus on what they are interested in. You need to know about the weaknesses and strengths of your baby. To make your child intellectual and intelligent, you don’t need gadgets; all you need is to spend quality time with them in which you stimulate them, and you are concerned about their cognitive development. Try to boost your child’s spatial skills by indulging them in exciting activities that encourage them. Give your child the toys that improve his spatial, problem-solving, and intellectual skills.

Remember that every kid has their potential and skills; every child is unique in their way, so never impose things on your child. Let them grow in a way that boosts their potential, and embrace your child to help them make their selves talented.