If you’re a hard working mom, Indeed! You’re a superhero. The working moms are the most hard-working ladies in the world. Let’s review some top facts and struggles about working moms. Also, let’s discuss some exciting points on working moms.
We all have our struggles as working moms or even if you’re a new parent, why not feel great about being a mom who also works outside of the house? We often forget that there are inspiring things about working moms. As a working mom, you’ve mastered the art of multi-tasking—which is why we know you can handle this article. You’re going to read it while folding laundry and helping your child with homework.
When it comes to finding a job, working mothers have a unique set of challenges. From childcare obstacles to welfare and stereotypes, working mothers haven’t always made their way into the world of employment with ease. Today, though, women make up almost half of the labor force in America. Even though women are still expected to do the bulk of household chores, working mothers are slowly being recognized for their value to the workforce.
After all, when moms work, business owners save money on healthcare and childcare—and employees see increased productivity and job satisfaction among parent co-workers. We get it: You’re busy. But we also know that you are superwoman and there’s nothing you can’t do. To prove it, here are some fantastic facts about working moms.
Hard Working Mom: Super Mom
- The first significant fact about working mothers and their children is that the more hours a mother works for pay, the more money she makes, and the less likely she is to be poor. This isn’t just because highly educated women work more; even among mothers with less than high school education, those who work full time are less likely to be poor.
- The second major fact about working mothers and their children is that this financial benefit comes at a cost. In her book “Do Working Mothers Sacrifice Family Well-Being?” Harvard economist Claudia Goldin points out that the more hours a mother works, the worse her children do on various outcomes, including test scores and educational attainment. Goldin doesn’t draw policy conclusions from her research, but it’s hard not to. If you care about poverty reduction and you care about child well-being, then there’s at least something in tension between these two goals. Work more, earn more money, and reduce your risk of living in poverty—but make your kid worse off.
- Working moms often outperform their peers at work. Mothers with full-time jobs spend about 11 hours a week on child care. Moms who work part-time averaged 12 hours of child care per week, and stay-at-home moms spent 10 hours per week with their children. Studies also found that working moms are as happy as stay-at-home moms. Although women who do not work outside the home have more free time to spend with their kids, both groups of women reported similar happiness levels. The research was conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends project. The study is based on information from 2,511 adults. It was published earlier this month. Moms who worked full time said they spend an average of 9 hours a day on paid and unpaid work combined, including child care and housework. Part-time workers reported spending 7 hours a day on paid and unpaid labor, while stay-at-home mothers spent 10 hours on household tasks and taking care of their kids.
- It appears that working parents get less help from family members when raising kids and doing household chores.
- Even when working mothers earn less than non-working mothers, they still earn more on average than non-working fathers.
- About half of the women who work full time quit their jobs or switch to part-time after having their first child.
- Though it’s been observed that the number of stay-at-home dads has doubled in the past decade, most fathers still feel societal pressure to be breadwinners for their families. Working mothers are more likely to be depressed than stay-at-home moms (6% vs. 3%).
- Moms spend an average of 10 hours a day on child care, housework, and shopping. That’s 70 hours a week. And that doesn’t include time spent on work!
- Almost 75% of women with children under 18 work outside the home.
- Working moms spend around half their waking hours on work and parenting tasks.
- According to a U.S. Census Bureau survey, 55.6% of mothers with children under 18 were employed in 2015, up significantly from 31.9% in 1975. The percentage of working mothers varies considerably based on the age of their youngest child. In 2015, 73% of mothers with children under 6 worked outside the home, compared with just 65% of those with kids between 6 and 17.
- Working moms are more common in the United States than almost anywhere else in the world. In 2016, only 59% of mothers in Germany were employed, compared with 72% in France and 77% in Japan.
- There are multiple reasons for the increase in working moms over the past several decades – from the financial necessity to increased opportunities for women to seek careers outside the home – but a recent Gallup poll found that most working moms want to be both mom and an employee. More than half (56%) of working moms say being a mother is extremely important to their identity. In comparison, four in 10 (42%) say being an employee is essential – more than double the 19% view being a wife as extremely important to their identity.
- Zagorsky, a research scientist at Ohio State University, looked at data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (a nationally representative survey) to see how mothers fared over time compared to women without children. He found that mothers work fewer hours than women without children, earn less money, and are less likely to work in supervisory roles. Moms are also less likely to be employed full-time than women without children. But these differences narrow over time, and some disappear entirely. By their early 50s, employed mothers and childless women had worked similar hours overall. They’d earned roughly the same total amount of money. And they were equally likely to be supervisors at their jobs. This is not a new idea, but Zagorsky’s paper sheds light on how long it takes for this convergence to occur: roughly two decades after giving birth.
- When women work outside the home, they spend as much or more time with their children as stay-at-home moms. More than eight in 10 working moms say they spend the same amount of time with their kids or more. That’s up from 72 percent in 2007 when the recession began.
- Working Moms are Happier: Economists at the University of Warwick in England found that happiness levels rise with employment for women — but not for men. Men who do not work are happier than their employed peers.
- Working Moms Make More Money: Mothers who work full-time make 74 cents for every father’s dollar. But mothers who work part-time make 93 cents for every dollar a dad makes.
Even when a mother’s should is tired, she finds strength for her family. I understand how being a hard working mom can be challenging, but it always has many positive sides.
Although there are many hard working mom facts and guides out there, we sincerely hope you’ve liked our findings of working mothers and wish you all the best with your kiddos.