Just the thought of a crying baby can make your blood pressure rise, and the question of why newborns cry at night can make you stressed. Nonstop crying is incredibly stressful for new parents. I still remember those stressful nights of “Waaahhhh! Waaaahhh!” when I had a baby, and I didn’t know what to do except for taking stress.
But it passed like a charm, happily manageable and easier than I expected. Sooner I realized that babies crying at night or during sleep is pretty normal, and it can indicate many things. However, if you feel that your baby cries excessively at night or during sleep, for your concern, it might be worth checking out some of the reasons why. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of nighttime crying and what you can do to help your little one get a good night’s sleep.
Some reasons about why newborns cry at night:
Newborns cry for various reasons, but the most common reason is that they are tired. Older babies also cry out from pain or stress, but newborns tend to cry more often and for longer periods of time. But the more important thing is dealing with every such situation smartly without any stress but with a smile.
The “colic” reason:
Sometimes, there might not be any apparent reason, but your baby might still cry a lot. This is often called “colic,” It is pretty normal from this range of infants who cry for a few nights a week to those who cry constantly. It can be caused by several reasons. While It is neither dangerous nor harmful to your baby, some expert advice from a medical professional or even a visit to your doctor would be a more appropriate approach.
” Colic is when a healthy baby cries for a very long time, for no obvious reason. It is most common during the first 6 weeks of life. It usually goes away on its own by age 3 to 4 months. Up to 1 in 4 newborn babies may have it. ”

Normal “Tired” Babies:
Everyone parent enjoys having fun at all those activities with their little ones, which is why your newborn can generally be very active during the day. As they try to get ready for sleep, they may become frustrated because their body is telling them it needs rest.
Sensitive to surroundings:
Your baby might be more sensitive to sounds and lights than adults, so they may react more intensely to noises or bright lights in the nighttime environment. This can sometimes be perceived as trying to communicate with you. In fact, their crying can be a way of getting their attention and expressing frustration or need.
Some General Tips if your Newborn is crying a lot:
If your newborn is crying at night, there are several things you can do to make them feel better.
Try Changing your Baby’s Position:
One of my best experiences has been learning that crying babies would more often feel better when they’re held close to their mother’s chest, which is why many new parents find it helpful to rock their babies to sleep. If that doesn’t work, try putting the baby in their crib or bassinet instead of in the bed with the parents.
Give your Baby a Pacifier:
Most babies eventually outgrow nighttime crying and can fall asleep without it, but a pacifier can help reduce symptoms during the transitional phase. Moreover, babies usually tend to put everything in their mouths, so that also gave me the thought of pacifiers, which worked perfectly for me many times.
A Simple Talk with your Baby:
When you can calm down and relax, talking to your newborn about what’s causing the crying can help them understand and deal with the situation more effectively.
Tips to help reduce the frequency of nighttime crying:
There are a few things that you can do to help reduce the frequency of nighttime crying in newborns. Some of these include:
Enough Sleep for Baby:
A healthy baby typically sleeps for around 12 hours per night, but newborns can often go through cycles of sleeping and waking up, leading to crying episodes at night. Ensure your baby gets the recommended amount of sleep at each stage of development.
Use Soothing Sounds and Lights:
Another thing that helped me through my stressful nights of baby crying was the soothing sounds and lights. Even many other parents also find that playing lullabies or using dim light before bedtime helps their baby drift off to sleep. Our recommended soothing sound is Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine and Momcozy Baby Sound Machine.
Avoid leaving alone in the crib too long at night:
This has been one of the difficult decisions I, too, understand, but babies left alone in their crib for more than an hour or two at a time may start to cry out to get attention. Try setting a timer so you can check on your child every 15 minutes.
Avoid sudden changes in routine:
If you’re going to be away from your baby for an extended period of time, try to make a few gradual changes in your baby’s routine so that they don’t become too anxious. This could include gradually weaning your baby off nursing or giving them a bottle instead of nursing at night.

Although there are many possible reasons why newborns cry at night, as explained earlier, one theory is that they are experiencing a sleep phase transition, which is when they move from sleeping during the day to sleep at night.
I’d always recommend establishing a consistent sleep schedule for the baby. Bedtimes and wake times should be respected and followed as closely as possible. If the baby wakes up multiple times during the night, it may be helpful to establish a “cry room” or a place within a room with a calm environment, such as soft music or a peaceful picture, and should be away from other bedrooms so that the baby can have some privacy. This doesn’t mean leaving them alone for a longer period of course but it helps in many ways.
No matter how stressful it might be, the best thing is to learn that a crying baby is a healthy baby and to deal with this situation with your gut and confidence.