No matter how comfortable and protected newborns are inside their warm and cozy homes, they are eager to explore the world around them. And, as they grow and start to develop their senses more fully, parents gradually introduce them to the outside world. So in curiosity about when can newborns go outside, In this article, we will discuss newborns starting to spend time outdoors.
I know how tempting it is to take your baby outside, maybe walk a little or sit with them in a park for some fresh air, especially when they begin to crawl and walk. Exposure to the outdoors in healthy environments, such as a yard or park, helps prepare your little one for the future in different environments. In fact, recent studies have shown that spending this time indoors may not be the best decision for some newborns. Taking your baby outside has many benefits as well.

But many parents are extra conscious about their little one’s health, and it’s totally normal. Numerous health and safety concerns prompt many parents to keep their infants indoors for the first several months of life.
The actual truth and what experts say?
This question is one that parents everywhere ask themselves when their little one starts to show signs of crawling and creeping. The truth is, there is no definitive answer. However, most experts agree newborns should start exploring the world around them at around six weeks old. By eight weeks old, most babies are ready to venture out into the world on their own for short periods. However, always consult your pediatrician before letting your baby go outside without a parent or guardian nearby.
What if your baby isn’t ready yet?
Some babies may not be ready to leave the safety of their homes yet, or aren’t their mind isn’t ready to explore the outside environment, or even sometimes their skin can be a little sensitive to the sunlight. Being a mother, I was curious about all this.
The best tip here (what I did as well) is to gradually prepare your baby for the outer environment in your home. Some activities like taking them daily to the roof or a terrace for a walk or even choosing the place in your house with the most sunlight will help them get used to it a little by little.
Some tips about when can newborns go outside:

The time comes when your newborn is ready to explore and enjoy the outdoors. But some safety measures and general tips are always essential, which are mentioned below:
- Ensure your baby wears sunscreen and a hat when outside, even during the morning or early afternoon hours when the sun is the weakest. Babies who spend time outdoors are likelier to have healthier skin and hair than those who stay inside.
- Ensure your baby wears sunscreen and a hat when outside, even during the morning or early afternoon hours when the sun is the weakest. Babies who spend time outdoors are likelier to have healthier skin and hair than those who stay inside.
- If your baby can hold their head up, you can start letting them play in a small area outside the house, like a sandbox. If they cannot keep their head up, you can start by putting them inside with a toy and coming back minutes later.
- Does your baby have good head control? Wait until your baby can sit up unassisted and has good head control. This usually happens around six months old.
- Ensure your baby wears sunscreen and a hat when outside, even during the morning or early afternoon hours when the sun is the weakest. Babies who spend time outdoors are likelier to have healthier skin and hair than those who stay inside all the time.
- If your baby is still too young, you could try taking them for walks outdoors in a stroller but be very cautious – they might not be able to handle being outside for long periods of time yet.
What about their delicate immune system:
Some parents are hesitant to let their newborns outside of the house, worried about the infant’s delicate immune system. However, recent studies have shown that newborns can safely go outside if they are kept close to a source of clean water and away from animals that could spread infection.

The appropriate weather for outdoors with baby:
Newborns would tend to explore outside during different weather. Still, you must be very careful about exposing them to the Elements in any such situation as cold weather without appropriate clothes. In fact, let’s just say that if you live in a warm climate, your baby probably won’t need any clothes at all outdoors – they’ll be fine as they are! – unless it’s really cold.
In temperate climates, babies can go outside from around 6-8 weeks old, provided they’re wearing appropriate clothing. For me, a coat is always a good idea for babies, whether or not they’re going outside, and you should also bring a hat and sunglasses for them if the weather’s bad. If it’s sunny and mild, most babies will be comfortable going outside without any clothes. Just make sure they’re well-covered up according to the appropriate season.
Some important essentials you can carry:
Imagine you’re out with that little kiddo for a walk, a trip to the zoo or circus, or even going on a long weekend for a family road trip outside the city. And, you forgot some important essentials or a checklist of items you should be carrying. Trust me! that will be a bummer. Make sure to have a checklist of items for a smooth outdoor trip. A baby carrier or an infant stroller can also come in handy for easy conveyance if you’re out with your baby.
While there are no hard and fast rules, most experts generally recommend that babies spend about half of their time outdoors by the time they reach six months old. By nine months, most babies are ready for more extended outdoor exploration. As your little one continues to grow and develop, you’ll be able to judge when he or she is ready for more adventurous outings.